Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Being creative is my outlet. Sometimes I don't feel like I have the time to do the things that I, me, Angie, enjoy doing. Yes, I love being a Mom, and it is my top priority, but when I have the time to be feels so good! I really do LOVE to it! It is so calming to me and I feel like I am just lost in my own little world when I sit down at my sewing machine. And the satisfaction that I feel when I complete a's great! That said, I have been doing a TON of sewing lately :). Once I start, I just can't stop! I am in the process of making my first actual quilt, which is coming along nicely and I will post some pictures of it soon. And what's even more exciting is that this quilt is for me! I don't usually make stuff for myself, so I'm excited to make something that I get to use :).

I also made this cute purse a few weeks ago and I am just in love with it. I love the colors...I am loving orange lately and I just fell in love with this fabric. I wonder what I am going to make next ;).


Cher said...

you are amazing at sewing. i wish i lived by you so you could tutor me. i'd love to make purses/bags. can't wait to see the quilt

Kris said...

That is so cute. Mom's sure would like something like that!!!! LOL

hijodi said...

That purse is CUTE!!!! And so are the hooks it is hanging on, too :) I am SO excited to live close to you, we shall have a ball playing together.

Allison Box said...

I agree with you on the creative outlet on some kind. I need that too, or at least a good book to get me away for a bit. I want some help making a purse like that. Will you help me?!

Jennifer Brailsford said...

I am so impressed with this purse. I tried to be domestic and sew a purse but it was the biggest disaster ever. Oh and tell Doug that my brother was just transfered to Lituania. He probably will be there until he comes home.