Friday, October 30, 2009

Carving Pumpkins

Noah has been looking forward to carving our pumpkins all week, so we made an event of doing it last night.

Noah was so interested in what we were doing when we were cutting them open...he was a little confused on what we were doing exactly.
I don't think he realized that carving pumpkins isn't all fun...especially when I gave him the task of cleaning out his pumpkin.
Obviously, there wasn't much for Leah to do and she did not like the fact that she was not being included. Therefore, she was doing a lot of this at my feet...
So I put her in her highchair and gave her her own chocolate cupcake to eat. There...all better :).
Noah spent a good amount of time drawing his face on his pumpkin, or he just had fun drawing on the pumpkin.
Then we tried to get a picture of the kids together by the finished product...that just didn't work. I seriously can't win when it comes to getting a posed picture of Leah. Oh well.
So, here are our finished pumpkins without all the chaos. Happy Halloween!!!


Kris said...


Wendy said...

Noah's face turned out really well! ;)
Very cute!

Julie said...

Cool pumpkins! I love the picture of Leah screaming. So funny!