Thursday, October 15, 2009

A Little Party

Today we had a little party with my cousins and their kids. I am so thankful to have such wonderful cousins that are close in age with me...I really do feel like we have grown up togther, and now that we all have kids that are all the same age makes getting together even that much more fun! Good times!

Each of the children made their own little pizza. I think Noah had more fun making it than eating it!
I was able to meet my cousin's beautiful little girl for the first time...isn't she a doll!!
My Grandma Fowler was able to show Leah how to play the piano. What a picture perfect moment :).
Then we decorated, and devoured, some dang good cookies! Noah was resisting eating his cookie when I took soon as I snapped this, he dove right in!
Leah had fun licking the frosting off of her cookie.
She look so guilty in this picture...makes me laugh.


Kris said...

Looks like good eatin'!!!!

Julie said...

How fun! I love the picture of your grandma playing the piano with Leah. I wish my grandma's were still here to see my children. Treasure every moment! Love Leah's frosting face picture too!