Noah completed his last swimming lesson on Tuesday. Boy, oh boy, I cannot begin to tell you how proud Doug and I are of him! He was such a good little student and he listened so well during all of his lessons so that he could get the most out of what he was being taught. It was amazing for me to watch him progress from one lesson to the next...amazing, I tell you! During the last lesson, I was able to get in the water with him and be taught how to help him as he continues to practice the techniques that he was taught. I look forward to going to the pool with Noah and working on his swimming skills...and what good skills they are :). Again...we are just so proud of him and this great accomplishment!
Noah swimming to his teacher, Brooke.
Noah swimming to his teacher, Brooke.
Noah showing off his muscles before he jumps in the pool.
Floating all by himself.
Noah received a medal for completing his lessons, but he wasn't too keen on keeping it around his neck. He's three...what do you expect? At least I got this picture to document the moment.
Noah and Brooke...we are so thankful for her and how great of a teacher she was to Noah! We will never forget you!!!
An amazing accomplishment for a 3 year old. It looks like you have a water baby.
That's great! I look forward to doing that with Ty next year. They grow up so fast. :)
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