Monday, July 27, 2009

Heritage Park

We went to This Is The Place Heritage Park today with Aunt Annie and Connor. Oh boy...did we have fun! What's not to like...animals, train rides, arts and crafts, candy... The boys had such a wonderful time, and so did I for that matter! I had never been there and I was so impressed with how everything was put together. There was a candy store too {did I already mention that?}...we love candy, especially when it makes the kids even more excited to be there :). We had an absolutely wonderful time with Annie and Connor! Next time we think we'll take the husbands...I think they'll be good...we'll give them candy if they're not {wink, wink}.

These boys really are so cute!
I mean, look at them! They were wearing the same hat, so cute, PLUS they held hands! I just love that Noah has cousins so close in age! They are going to be great friends :).
Petting the baby goat...
...and rabbit.
Connor riding the pony with Annie.
Noah riding his pony, Honey, and not wanting to smile for the camera {shocker!}.
Riding the train.
Decorating leather...Noah made a nice little creation. He has kept it in his pocket all day and keeps showing it to me and telling me that he had made it. He was so proud of himself, and I think that is a good thing :).


Allison Box said...

I am glad you had a good time. I really wanted to come...I will definitely be there next time! So fun!

Andrea said...

Love the pictures! Thanks for a fun day -- we'll have to go again before it snows. :)

Cher said...

i've never been either, my family went without me this summer. looks fun, i love the baby goat.