Sunday, April 27, 2008

Story Time

This morning Noah decided to read his "Choo Choo" book to Leah. Now, isn't that so sweet! He is such a good big brother to Leah, and I know that she appreciated it because she didn't even cry when he was shoving the book in her face!


Brent and Ashley said...

Oh sweet Leah, this is only the beginning of what's in store! But good thing Noah's intentions are good- he is so sweet! What a good big brother! We miss you guys!

Andrea said...

That is so precious! Noah is a great big brother, I bet it's so fun to watch them interact with each other.

Marsha said...

I love that video. It's so sweet that he wants to interact with her! I also love the smile picture. Perfect timing!

Julie said...

What a good big brother Noah is to want to read a story to his sister! I am sure that she is completely fascinated with him and loved every minute of it!

Karin said...

Someone loves his baby sister!!