Saturday, February 12, 2011

Isaac's First Teeth

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Can you see them??

So...on top of being very sick over the past 2 weeks, my little guy has also been teething like crazy. His first tooth *finally* popped through last week, and his second made its appearance just the other day. I really can't tell you how miserable Isaac has been due to his makes me so sad to see him in pain. Needless to say, there has been a lot of crying lately. But, as soon as that second tooth came in, his smiles started to delight us once again. I'm so happy to have my happy little baby least untill *all* of those other teeth come in.

And here are some other pictures of Isaac that are so, so, cute :).

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1 comment:

Jessica said...

I love these photos! He is adorable... I hope he is feeling better, teething is NO fun!