Thursday, October 7, 2010


Yes, I have been a bit overwhelmed lately. Just a little bit!

Let me begin by saying that I have always wanted to be a mommy. Even when I was a little girl. I remember playing with my babies and taking care of them and loving them. And when I was asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, I remember saying "a mom". Really, being a mom was my dream job.

And now it is happening. My dream has come true...TIMES THREE! I am a mommy to Noah, and Leah, AND Isaac. Oh my...have they ever come true! Plus I have the most amazing husband!

When I was little, I thought that being a mommy was all fun and games...boy was I wrong. Now, I do try to focus on the good stuff...really I do. But, just because I want to focus on what is good, doesn't mean that the hard stuff isn't there. And, lately, the hard stuff about being a mom has totally slapped me in the face.

Here are some examples {just to name a few}:
~ The tantrums...oh, the tantrums! Tantrums are constant around here lately, and if I'm being honest...I'm SO sick of it! Seriously, when Noah and Leah start throwing tantrums, I just want to go and lock myself away in my bedroom...and I have! And the thing is, is that I know that this just the beginning of many years of oldest IS only 4! Saying "no" to them about something, translates to them that this is the end of the world...and then the tantrum starts. Leah's are the best...laying on the ground, screaming {and boy can that girl SCREAM!}, and kicking her legs. And there are times that nothing will work to stop the tantrum, except time. And Noah, well, he's finally old enough to know that when he starts a tantrum, and then looks at me and sees "the look", he stops. But then he just whines, and, to me, whinning is just as bad as a tantrum.
~ Giving my attention to them has been so much harder lately. I mean, I am always with them, but they all want/need my attention at the exact same time. This has been the one thing that has been so hard for me to balance, especially since having Isaac. Example: Isaac needs to eat, so I start to feed him. Seconds later Leah tries to climb on my lap {remember, Isaac is already on my lap} and wants me to read her a book. Seconds later, Noah comes over and wants me to go upstairs and play trucks with him, and the moment I tell him that he has to wait...he...throws a tantrum {big surprise}. After calming him down, which is getting to be easier, he goes and gets a book to read while he waits for me. And during all of this, Leah is still trying to wiggle her way on my lap and won't even consider sitting next to me instead. Ugh! This happens EVERY day, multiple times a day...they all want and need my attention at once. I know that they need to learn to be patient, but I feel so badly not giving them all of me when they need it. Mommy guilt...big time!
~ Housework. I've always been a little obsessive about cleaning the house and keeping it organized...but lately this has all gone down the drain. There are days that I hope no one comes over because my house is a disaster...I mean a total MESS! Toys EVERYWHERE, laundry piles in every room, dishes piled up in the sink {because, of course, the dishwasher hasn't been emptied}, dirty clothes on the floor, and I could go on, but I'll stop there. Keeping up with the house has been so much harder for me lately. And, if I'm being completely honest, I don't really care anymore. I'm realizing that I'll get to it when I get to it, and eventually I do. I'm beginning to realize that time spent with the kids is far more important than housework. Yes, I do want my house to look nice, but in the long run, what matters is being there for the kids. They do come first. BUT, that doesn't mean that it doesn't drive me a little crazy when I think of ALL of the things that need to be done.
~ The "to do list" keeps getting longer and longer. There is just so much to do and so little time to do it all! The list includes: painting the house, cutting down the tree in the front, organizing and printing out pictures, buying some winter clothes for the kids, organizing the storage room, decorating Noah and Leah's room, sewing curtains, and the. list. goes. on! This is definitely getting longer before it gets shorter. I just don't want to think about it, but I can't help it!.
~ Going on errands is SO hard lately. Yeah, I pretty much don't go anywhere anymore. I do sometimes, and only if I absolutely have to, because taking all three of them to a store is pretty challenging. But, when I do, guess who wins the prize for being the most well behaved?? ISAAC! He just sits in the baby carrier and watches Noah and Leah as they become little terrors. Seriously, I'm convinced that those two get together and create a plan on how to make this shopping experience even more challenging for mom. many times should we get out of the cart before mom freaks out, OR how many times should we ask mom to buy something before she freaks out. Yes, FREAKS OUT is an understatement, SO, in order to avoid this, I limit our outings. And when we do go somewhere, it's to the park or a someones house.

Well, those are just some highlights of things that have overwhelmed me lately. It's hard to find a medium that will work, but I am striving to find it. Of course I don't want my kids to throw tantrums, and I want the house to be clean, and I want them to be well behaved when we go out...but everything isn't going to be perfect. What I do know, is that my kids know that they are loved, and I sure do hope that they know that I am trying my hardest be a great mommy to them. I want them to be happy, but I also want them to learn that we have to work hard and that life isn't always peaches and cream. There are going to be bumps in the road...and that is OK. I am realizing this too, and it's hard to steer clear of the hard stuff sometimes and focus on the good. The good does outweigh the bad. Yes, I may be overwhelmed, but being a mom, and a wife, is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Life really is good, despite all of those bumps!


Zach said...

Oh good, you're human. I was starting to think you were Superwoman (and in many ways you are!). Don't worry, all of that is 100% (maybe even 110%) NORMAL. In a year, Noah will be in kindergarten and you'll only have 2 to take on errands. It goes so fast. Now our youngest is 4 and next year there will be a couple hours a day when all 3 kids are in school! Now that's going to be strange!

Take heart, it's all good. In 10 years, you'll miss the 3 year old tantrums when you have 13 year old drama. One day at a time. :)

Jessica said...

Angie, you are amazing! Three kids is a big deal. I am wanting a third child, but then I have those days where the kids are fighting for my attention and throwing tantrums and my house is a mess. Those are the days that I wonder how could I do it with 3? But then I see moms like you and I know it's possible!! Even if things aren't going perfect all the time. Keep it up, you are such a great mom!!

Danielle said...

Three is tough huh? Seriously it was so hard for me. The first 6 months were pretty rough. But it gets better. I actually look forward to running errands with the kids these days and three seems much more manageable. Hang in there. It gets better!
As for the tantrums if you find a solution would you let me know!

Kaeloni said...

Glad to know I'm not the only one who feels this way. I swear you took this post out of my mouth! You are a great mommy and it is the best!

Rowley's said...

I totally understand! I'm glad to hear your kids can be overwhelming to you and it's not just me with my kids : ) In fact I have to go to the store to get presents for 2 parties this weekend and I'm putting off taking all three kids to the store. But when your kids say I love you and cuddle up to you, it's all worth it!

Kris said...

You are a wonderful mom!! Of course you had a great example in your life. LOL!! As for your house...I have never seen it a mess. Wish my house was a nice as yours, and there is only have 2 people here. Your are doing a great job with everthing in your life!! Love ya!

Kelsi said...

I loved this post! It is so real and I swear every mom can relate. I don't know how you moms with three or more kids do it! Having two kids is driving me nuts. Avery has started screaming and throwing tantrums and they both just fight all the time! I don't think I want to add a third to the mix! Like Danielle said, it always gets better and I know adding another baby to the family is such an adjustment. When are we going to get together though. Seriously! We miss seeing you guys!

Cher said...

yup, loved it too. it's always nice to write about the things that aren't so perfect in our lives, cuz everyone else can relate! and once we get it out it seems like not such a big deal. puts things in perspective to write it down, huh?
i think you are an amazing mom.

hijodi said...

I can relate in SO many ways (probably every way you mentioned) starting from the wanting to be positive and focus on that, but having to just let it out. I've wanted to just let it out so many times, but am YOU KNOW busy taking care of one of my kids (can I throw my husband in there too?!) I am STRUGGLING with my 2 1/2 year old lately. She is... awful. Yes, yes, always wants her way and says my name probably 50 times LITERALLY in a row, until she gets it or i'm so sick of it I scream at her to just... "knock it off" UGH :0) So, all I can say is, I feel ya girlfriend!!

Wendy said...

You're very lucky that you're the one who gets to be home with them all day. But do you ever get to get away by yourself? My husband's been home all day every day with our baby this week while I've been at work and he was glad when I finally was home long enough to let him have a break.

Allison Box said...

Amen. That is all I have to say! :) You are great, btw!

Elizabeth Mueller said...

*HUGS* Angie, life gets overwhelming, I know. I have four kids ranging from the age of 14 to 5. There are days when they all act up at once.

I'm a stay-at-home mom and LOVE it. I would never change it. I have gone to work with my kids at home and it kills me.

Pamper yourself when you can. At night, take a hot bubble bath with candles and favorite book. Ask Doug if he can take the kids to the park on his day off and you can do the things that make you YOU.

Being a mom is 24/7 and you lose your identity as Angie. Who was she before kidlets? Did she love to draw? Sing? Garden? Bicycle? Dance?

I spend time doing the things I enjoy when the little ones are tucked into bed.


I feel your pain. I wish you the best. Remember to be good to yourself and that you have needs, too!!!

~Elizabeth :)

Elizabeth Mueller said...

PS. You have a lovely family! :)