Weight ~ 11 lbs 14 oz. {54%}
Height ~ 23.5 inches {70%}
He is growing every day before our very eyes. It's amazing to me how fast these kids grow during those first few months...crazy! Isaac has been such a joy and we can't get enough of his cuteness! Here's what he's been up to this past month:
~ He is *such* a happy baby. He is constantly smiling and is starting to coo and giggle. He loves all of the attention that we all give him and the only time he really cries is when he's by himself or hungry.
~ He is a great little eater and he has kept me busy with his demands for food! No wonder he's getting so big so fast ;).
~ He is an *amazing* sleeper! He takes 2 really good naps during the day and he sleeps 8 hours straight at night! Plus he can sleep amongst all the noise in our house...he usually naps in my arms during the day and he isn't at all phased by Noah and Leah playing.
~ He is so loved by Noah and Leah...they really can't get enough of him! Noah and Leah both call him their "little buddy" and they both love holding and loving on him. Needless to say, Isaac gets plenty of hugs and kisses each and every day!
~ He recently discovered his hand and he'll spend time watching it and moving it around slowly. It's so funny to watch him concentrate SO hard on doing this!
~ He definitely looks more and more like his Daddy every day! The only real difference is his blue eyes {I hope that they stay!}.
I really have nothing to complain about with Isaac. I know that all babies are good, but he has *really* been a good baby for us. Here are some pictures from this past month.
Those pics are so sweet. especially the ones of the two boys. precious.
Angie, Your blog gives me a lump in my throat. You do such a fabulous job. Thanks for sharing
That last picture of Noah reading to Isaac is priceless. So cute. He is getting so big too. He is a cutie! I can't wait for Isaac and Shea to get bigger so they can enjoy each others' company. But I can wait...
I just can't get enough of these kids. Love them sooooooooo much!!
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