Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Doug and I are expecting baby #3, due June 24, 2010. We are beyond thrilled. Life is good.

First picture of Baby Smith...


The White Family said...

YAY! that is way cool. Did you hear that Staci Leishman is also preggers. Lots of babies coming. YAY! YAY! YAY!

Karin said...

So which way is baby Smith #3 laying? I can not figure out those ultra sounds unless someone points out what the little tyke is doing in there????!!!
Laying, sitting, laughing crying-head, leg, foot, arm... Who knows.
Congrats...three little munchkins.

Julie said...

WOW!!! That's so great! So happy for all of you!

Melissa McCleery said...

Congrats!!! I am happy for you guys!!!

jandbfjohnson said...

Wonderful! And what a cutie....I can tell! :) Hope you feel okay. Congratulations.


Dan and Liz said...

Congrats Angie!
Out little guy should arrive any day now (due on Sunday)
That's SO exciting for you guys!

Eric and Julia Jacob said...

Congratulations!!! Your kids are so cute! This one is going to be just as adorable!!! Keep us updated!!!

Cher said...

so exciting! i can't believe it's already time for another one. look how old our kids are getting!

Sue said...

So So exciting! Congrats again!!

engfee said...

Congrats! I'm so excited for you guys!

Wendy said...

Congrats! That's very happy!

Rowley's said...

Congratulations! I hope you feeling well and getting the rest you need. It's only been 9 days but being a mother of three has been work, but SO wonderful!

Allie said...

Wahoo! Congrats you cute mommy!

YbsisKaren said...

Too bad I was in a hurry to be in an earthly family or I would have waited to join yours. You two make the cutest and funest parents. Not that I don't love MY own family, but I sure would have wanted to be part of your had I known then. :)

Ginger Horsburgh said...

YAY! I sure hope you either have the aby and are up the watermelon bust or you go late and can come on the Fourth of July! I would love to meet the new addition. Congrats!

Brent and Ashley said...

Wow! Congrats! Sorry its taken me so long to say that! I've been a major blog slacker!! How are you feeling? Hope all is well!!