Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!!!

This year has come and gone faster than I ever imagined possible! It was a wonderful year, and I look forward to the many fun adventures yet to come in 2010!

We spent this afternoon with the family at Andrea and John's house eating tons of food and sledding! They have a HUGE hill right next to their house, so we got in our snow gear and went to have some fun in the snow. It was a beautiful day...we couldn't have asked for better weather. Yes, it was a bit chilly, but the blue skies made it all worth while :). It was a great day to end this year.

Leah was ready beyond excited when we got her all geared up to go and play in the snow. She was only out there for about 20 minutes, but boy did she have a good time! Plus, look how dang cute she looks!
My Noah...he's so funny!
Alex, Alli, and Ryan...isn't that view amazing!! I love it!
My boys.
Connor and Andrea all bundled up and enjoying the fun!
Noah thoroughly enjoyed going down the hill with Doug and would ask to go again after each ride. That's my boy!
I just have to add this for giggles. I try...really I do to get a decent picture of these two together. Noah is cooperative, but Leah will NOT have ANYTHING to do with it. I love look on Noah's's like he's saying "Mom, seriously, I am SO sick of this!". BUT, I will keep trying...I will!


Erin K said...

fun stuff. and leah does really look cute in that snow outfit!

Andrea said...

Love the pictures! The last one is absolutely hysterical. : )

Karin said...

Leah looks like a little snow muffin. And Noah- you know he is all boy!! Beating up on his sister!!!! (the last pic)

Julie said...

Fun! I'm so jealous. I have dying to take Dylan. We even bought a sled last year and we still haven't gone! LOVE Leah's snowsuit!!!!