Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Dear Summer ~

I miss you already!

I woke up this morning and it was so chilly outside that I had to dress the children in pants, a long sleeved shirt, socks, and shoes. I don't think we have worn any socks this summer...I know that I haven't! I'm a flip flop kind of girl and I was a little sad when I had to wear socks and real shoes today. I know that's silly, but it's true. Summer, please come back soon!

I am going to miss...

...going to the Sno Shack every other day and sitting outside and eating it in the warm sun. Red Raspberry for me...Watermelon for the kids.
...blowing bubbles outside until we literally run out of them. {I don't even want to know how much $$ I spent on bubbles this summer. It was worth it though :) }.
...going to birthday parties at the park and eating cotton candy to our hearts content. That was fun, and yummy!

...taking the children on runs in the jogger almost every day, AND eating lots of popsicles. the children two baths a day because they got so dirty from playing outside, going swimming, eating popsicles that melted too fast, etc... It's a good thing that we like tubby time!
...going to the splash pad and/or the pool every day.
...having BBQs with the family and running through the water with the cousins. Good times!
...being so tired from all of the joys of summer that you literally crash on the couch the moment that you decide to wind down {which doesn't happen often enough!}.


Erin K said...

I'm on the verge of tears I miss it so bad. sad, but cute pics.

Cher said...

love that last pic. so cute. i love love love flip flops and snow shack too. sad!

Wendy said...

You should plan a trip to Hawaii! We're still wearing flips and shorts and eating Shave Ice over here! (But then you'd have to miss out on Fall, which is one of the hardest parts of being here for me--the change of seasons.)