Thursday, June 18, 2009

Air Show

Doug took Noah for a father/son outing to the Air Show a few weeks ago. Doug and Noah share the same passion for planes, so there was no question on whether or not they were going to go the show. We decided that I would stay home with Leah, as I was a little nervous how she would react to the loud planes. Doug and Noah had a fabulous time and BOTH of them were talking my ears off about everything that they saw when they got home. Yes, Doug was like a little kid again...telling me about how cool and fast all of the planes were. I'm so glad that they had a wonderful day together...this boy really likes his daddy {and so do I, for that matter :)}.

Can you believe that crowd?
My boys.
Every time that Doug sees this picture, he says "Look how big that plane is!". I think he was more in awe than Noah when it came to some of the planes at the Air Show.
It amazes me that they can fly that close to one another without any casualties. Wow!


Cher said...

they are REALLY loud, no doubt about that. i could hear them from my house. :) looks like it was awesome.

Julie said...

So cool. What a fun day for Noah and his daddy! My dad goes every year and Troy wants to take Dylan next year. I don't know what it is about boys and airplanes!