Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Noah ~ 6 Months

If you remember a few months back, I was going to start posting pictures of Noah from when he was a baby on a regular basis...that idea obviously fell through! Well, today I was looking at some pictures of Noah when he was 6 months old and I thought that I would share.

Noah was attempting to crawl when he was 6 months.
This month was pretty hard because Noah was teething...notice his red cheeks.
I adore this picture of Noah!

Sitting up.
Why...hello there!
Noah LOVED tubby time when he was a baby...what baby doesn't??
Noah broke his first two teeth when he was 6 months. Funny picture!

Sometimes I can't believe that he was once this small! Amazing!


Andrea said...

Isn't it fun to look back and see how much they have grown and learned. It truly is amazing! Noah and Leah look a lot alike to me, what cute children!

Kris said...

How time flys! I can't believe he is already 2 1/2!!!!