Sunday, June 8, 2008

Crash and Burn

I was sitting inside at Doug's parent's house when I suddenly hear Noah's very distinctive cry from the kitchen. I run into the kitchen to find Noah's face covered in dirt {it was in his mouth, nose, eyes...everywhere!}. I went to clean him up with out even thinking about how he had gotten hurt. Afterwards, I asked Doug and I was informed that he had crashed head first and skid down the grass while he was playing. Ouch! Here is a picture of the aftermath. This is honestly the first time that we have had a major injury to the face...poor baby. I hope that it heals's pretty painful to look at.


Marsha said...

Poor guy, I'm glad it all worked out alright. I hope he heals quickly!

Kris Fowler said...

Be prepared for much much more!!!!!!!!!!! HE IS A BOY! Quite an amazing boy at that!!!

Maria said...

Ouch! I hope he is ok!!

Josh said...

That is a good Boy!

cherilyn said...

oh, poor little guy!

Andrea said...

Poor guy-he'll get plenty more in the future too! It's amazing how quickly kids heal though.

Julie said...

Ouch! It's the worst when they get hurt on their face.