Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Computers are very important in my family. My dad is an Electrical Engineer and he LOVES computers...I consider him a computer genius since he loves to put computers together from scratch! Needless to say, I pretty much grew up with many computers in my house, and it is still that way at my parent's house!! Well, Doug loves computers too, which is great because this interest between my dad and Doug has brought them very close. Well, it seems as though Noah loves computers too!!! Whenever he gets his hands on a keyboard or mouse, he becomes very serious and doesn't want to be bothered...trust me, he knows what he is doing {well, he acts as though he knows what he is doing}. I guess a love for computers runs in the family!


Andrea said...

That is very cute. . . I love it when my kids do something just like their Daddy! It's so fun!

Kris said...

Like Father, like Daughter, like Grandson, like Son-in-law!!!!!!!!!!!

Like Kris....I don't think so!!!!!

Julie said...

So funny! Hopefully he isn't moving things around on your computer though!!!