Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Week 13

So, I went to the doctor yesterday for my second prenatal appointment. It was GREAT to hear the babies heartbeat for the first time and Dr. Lind said that it sounded healthy. Yay!!! All we want is a healthy baby! It was a really short visit and it pretty much just consisted of me trying to find a remedy to this HORRIBLE morning sickness and listening to the babies heart. I am still extremely sick and I have not gained any weight yet during this pregnancy. I honestly forgot how bad morning sickness really is...I was really sick with Noah too, and it is a good thing that you forget how bad it is or else you wouldn't have any more kids! Anyway, I am at the end of my first trimester, so HOPEFULLY I start feeling better soon!!!

According to the weekly email that I get from, the baby is "only about 3 inches long crown to rump — roughly the size of a jumbo shrimp — and weighs just about an ounce." I love how they compare the size of the baby to food! Makes me laugh!

Only 7 more weeks until we find out what we are having! What do you think we are having???


Andrea said...

I'm thinking a BOY! I even submitted my vote on your mom's blog. So we'll see.....

Andrew said...

A boy for sure... Noah needs a little brother

cherilyn said...

that's good news! i'm thinking it's a girl. but maybe i'm hoping it's a girl more than feeling it. :)

Cher said...

p.s. but that isn't good news about being so sick still. i hope you feel better soon. is the vitamin at night not helping so much?

Kris said...

This Grandma thinks you are going to have a girl. Although, 99.9% of the time, when I pick what someone will be having it ends up being just the opposite. Sooooooooooo, thinking girl, probably boy. But with all that said, I am just excited to be getting another beautiful grandchild!!!!!!!
Love ya

Susan said...

I think you are having twin love me, I know it.

Andrea said...

I vote boy-I had bad morning sickness with both my boys. It wasn't nearly as bad with Kyara! I'm excited to find out! Good luck and I hope you get feeling better soon!

Julie said...

I say it's a boy. I am always wrong, but I am sticking with my guess!

T and H said...

Good to hear your doctor app. went well! Your a trooper for dealing with morning sickness! Hope you feel better soon! We think you are having a girl! You are such a cute mom, your new baby will be so lucky to have you!

Mama Adrienne said...

I am guessing a boy too! By the way, I got some more pics of the baby's on my blog up!