Monday, November 29, 2010
Getting ready to crawl?
The Dentist {Leah}
I think that having Noah there with as well made her feel more comfortable. She was able to watch Noah do everything, and, by the way, Noah did SO well! I am so, SO, proud of him and how well behaved he was today at the dentist...he is really growing up so fast and is starting to act older. Love it!
Anyway, Leah didn't want to get an x-ray, which was fine, and she was a bit hesitant to lay down in the chair...but she did it. The thing with Leah is that she really is totally fine with doing something new, she just has to act like a little stinker...JUST TO ACT LIKE IT! Just to get a reaction! I tell you...that girl...oh boy! So, after being all hesitant, she finally sat there and watched the Princess movie while they cleaned her teeth and counted them to make sure they were all there :). Afterwards, she got a bracelet, which made everything worth it for her! She was as happy as can be to be sporting a darling little bracelet. I'm proud of her...she surprised me, like she always does :).
So...the results for Leah are:
~ NO CAVITITES! Woot, woot!
~ She has very pretty and white and shiny teeth! Woot, woot!!
~ And the downside...her teeth are just as jammed together as Noah's, so she is definitely going to have to have braces someday. She can thank Doug and I later for that one. We all saw it coming!
Leah watching the movie while they cleaned her teeth. **Thank goodness** they have movies for the kids to watch at the dentist...I wish they had stuff like that when I was a kid!!
Check out those pearly whites! Love that smile!
And...check out her new bracelet...I'm pretty sure she'll be wearing it every day {until she looses it!}.
I can't forget about my Noah. It seems like just yesterday that I was taking him for his first visit to the dentist {see here}. He did SO well today and no cavitites for him either! WOOT WOOT!!!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Thanksgiving ~ 2010
The Smith Family
The Smith Grandkids
Us...Leah, of course, didn't want anything to do with taking a family pic. I just keep telling myself that she's 2!
Enjoying dinner :). It was SO good!
Connor and Noah...they had a blast playing together!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Raking Leaves
Noah making a pile a leaves so that he can...
... JUMP IN IT!!
Cute, cute boy!
Beautiful girl! Now, as soon as this picture was taken, Leah noticed a grasshopper in the leaves...she was *terrified* and ran into the house and didn't come back out. It was funny to watch.
And...well...this picture is a keeper! Now, it looks like Noah was going to land right on Leah, but he didn't {thank goodness!}. Leah was laughing and laughing as Noah jumped next to her over and over again! And notice Leah's little purse...she takes it *everywhere* with her! Too cute ;).
Thanks for your help, little man. I couldn't have done it without you :).
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Isaac ~ 5 Months
~ He rolls everywhere! No more leaving him alone on the bed, that's for sure!
~ He can climb out of his Bumbo!
~ He's been an alright sleeper lately. It seems as though he sleeps better during the day than at night. BUT, he has also become a very light sleeper and will wake up when he hears loud noises. I've been very creative in how to keep the noise level down during nap time!
~ He is SO spoiled! He is pretty much held whenever he is awake, and he will also spend most of his naps in my arms {that is, when Noah and Leah are napping too!}. Due to this, and maybe it's my own fault, he cries whenever I put him down. Yes, there are times that he will let me put him down for a moment, but once he sees me, he starts to whimper/cry until I pick him up. AND, I always do...I can't stand listening to him cry. It breaks my heart!
~ He has found his feet and will chew on them whenever he is laying on his back.
~ He is a freaking faucet!! I swear, the drool NEVER stops!
~ He is such a happy baby and we just can't get enough of that beautiful smile and great belly laugh!
~ He is so ticklish, just like his bro and sis, and you can bet that I tickle him often ;).
~ He chews on anything and everything that he can get his hands on. He also has a crazy strong grip, which I know from when he grabs my hair when I hold him. OUCH!
We definitely can't get enough of this CUTE little guy!
Big Sister
Saturday, November 13, 2010
"I'm not tired!"
Being the nice mommy that I am, I snuggled them up so that they could sleep soundly :). The only problem is that this nap totally backfired on us when we tried to put the kids to bed, especially with Leah. She is actually still awake downstairs right now with 10:53 PM!!! Ugh! I guess it's my own fault.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Halloween ~ 2010
I really love this holiday! It's so much fun to get the kiddos all dressed up...they had so much fun with it this year. Noah was a Pirate {ARRR!!}, Leah was a Fairy Princess {although she refused to wear her crown, so I guess she was just a fairy}, and Isaac was the cutest little Dragon. It was oh so very cold and rainy the night that we went trick-or-treating...BOO! Thankfully, some of our neighbors were giving out hot cocoa, which was VERY nice! Leah was ready to come home after about 30 minutes, but Noah and Doug went out to get a few more treats. They were thrilled as can be with all their goodies, and so was Doug and I for that matter! Despite the weather, we had a great Halloween and we're already looking forward to next year :).
Noah's 5th Halloween as a PIRATE
Isaac's 1st Halloween as a DRAGON
Getting ready to go Trick-or-Treating!
Sorting through the goods...YUM! We carved our pumpkins the night before :). Noah had fun drawing all over his with the marker and I love how Doug's trying to figure out what he's drawing.